Halloween thoughts on Terry McAuliffe's election chances

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 31 2021 23:57 zulu

On this Hallowe'en Evening; perhaps we might catch the Ghosts of Terry McAuliffe's election chances.

(...  I know a cross deters vampires, yet can one repel this Terry-ble vampile-of-sh*t, Count McAllLeft? Leftist POS.)


UPDATE: bwaaaa-haaaa-haaaa, he lost!



categories: government | opinion | personal

Today in mass-media reconciled un-news

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 20 2021 02:56 zulu

Oooooo...Это восстание (hе желаешь присоединиться к нам?)

FBI finds there was no Jan 6 2021 Insurrection

While reviewing notes, found these two-month old announcements from Reuters and MSN - well-known extensions of the Bureau of Truth and Reconciliation. Notwithstanding, the state-run mass media did well with rendering this 'un-news'...

The State-Run Media, '...All the News That's Fit to Unprint...'

If January 6th had been an 'Insurrection' - the worst political Armageddon since the civil war; as fallaciously and melodramatically claimed - for what reason has neither the Biden Administration Department of Justice (DOJ) nor the U.S. Congress charged anyone with Insurrection or Treason in the ten-months since?

No one has been charged with Insurrection or Treason. No one.

Oh, you did not know that... I am not surprised; the only reliable principle of the left is deceit, mass- and self-



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Comparison between capital protest and BLM

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 19 2021 20:51 zulu

Marxists and Leftists are Stage IV Social Cancers.

Marxists praise Violent, Homicidal BLM protests; effect pretense of offense when exposed.


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

Mandatory State Reading for marxist Left Komrades

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 19 2021 02:37 zulu

Mandatory Reading of the marxist Left & the Progressives. Komrades, available in university cry-closets & safe-spaces nationwide, and soon to the ☭☭ Critical Race Theory ☭☭ curricula of public schools:

Mandatory Reading of the marxist Left - available in university cry-closets & safe-spaces nationwide

да товарищ - сейчас я читаю то, что нам задали!
image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, and, yes ...sigh... my russian has critically suffered over the years.


If wanted, a larger version (339kb @ 1024x764px)...More...


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

This is Typical of What the Left Writes Among Themselves

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 18 2021 11:03 zulu

Click on the more below to read: This is another common and disturbing example of what Leftists Aspire for their targeted enemies, which happens to be over one-half of the U.S. Population.

As many have experienced, the first message in the following graphic has become the open and common sentiments of the U.S. Left. Written without histrionics, the Leftists want their opposition dead. Not defeated. Not oppressed. They want over one-half of the U.S. populace dead.

That disturbing MESSAGE (and RESPONSE sentiment of one-half of the U.S. populace to that MESSAGE) More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

The Violent Cultural Insurrection of the marxist Left

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 17 2021 08:36 zulu

Now, consider this:

Leftist Climate Change Extremists Storm the Department of the Interior
aoc satire 2021 by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt

What more must the marxist Left do

Since the January 6th, 2021 protest - the State created 'Insurrection' propaganda (link) - the marxist Left has divested all pretenses to persecute, intimidate, and immure their opposition to unimagined extremes of surveillance and injustice, including incarcerating political prisoners in solitary confinement for month after month.

Yet, when fellow Leftists violently stormed and took over the U.S. Department of the Interior building on October 15, 2021; More...


categories: government | opinion | rights

Reminder - Mass Coercion is Common and Effective

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 17 2021 03:27 zulu

I would never consider mitigating the Holocaust through careless equivalence; with that, I am making no such correlation - rather - rather - the following article is a reminder that throughout history; authorities such as politicians have employed progressive... gradual... psychological campaigns of social instability, vilification of cultural ideals, historical revisionism, scarcity, and false crises to manipulate one group into committing atrocities against their enemies, thus absolving the authoritarians of responsibility.

In plain sight, the politicians, this illegitimate administration (you read that correctly), and mass-state-media are subjecting us all to their own Stanley Milgram Behavioral Experiment.


history repeats when we forget...



categories: government | opinion | rights

The Hunter

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 14 2021 23:07 zulu

note: Yes, before technology, I was once a successful and self-made - not 'DADDY-BIDEN-MADE-PARASITIC' - fine artist.


Remember the Seinfeld episode featuring the patron couple viewing 'The Kramer'? Well, since Hunter Biden has delusions of artistic talent.

I sadly present: 'THE HUNTER'

Satire Image Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt

A larger version (365kb @ 1000x1174px)...More...


categories: idleness | opinion | personal

Edward Snowden Exposing the Leftist Fact-Checkers

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 14 2021 22:11 zulu

Hero Edward Snowden exposing the 'fact-checkers' hired by the pueri aeterni et puellae aeternae of the regressive port-o-let-redolent Left.


Hero Edward Snowden exposing the fact-checkers for the regressive port-o-let-redolent Left


categories: opinion | personal

The Ignorance of the Biden Administration

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 14 2021 18:15 zulu

Yes, the '10th Amendment' man is saying my actual thought when I heard Psaki assert this...

Psaki reveals the Lefties Ignorance of the 10th Amendment
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.

10th Amendment: 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'


categories: idleness | opinion | personal

The Stupid - Often They Take Themselves Out

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 10 2021 20:15 zulu

Unlike the trash, sometimes the stupid take themselves out
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | rights

Authoritarian Censorship Continues - How To Fight Back?

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 10 2021 09:32 zulu

I created the 'Censorship Times' on September 30th as satire and exhibit of the continuous Domestic Cold War the Authoritarian Left has engaged against Freedom of Speech (the Leftist version, 'Freedoom of Speech'), Due Process, Privacy, Illegal Search & Seizure, etc.

The incentive for my graphic was the inspirational - or rather, profane - article:


the leftists assault on free speech


Understand, Reader, their Censorship has neither end nor limit. As long as the opposition remains passive; until dragged out into the streets, they will not stop. Simply, the Leftists' Objective is a servile populace who thinks as mandated, labors as mandated, sacrifices as More...


categories: leftist tech | government | rights

Hypocrisy Blooms upon Decaying Principles

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 08 2021 03:39 zulu

This is not to address support of - or opposition to - the abortion controversy; rather, I created this visual mockery in personal response to images of hypocrisy embodied by the Texas protesters.

Narcissist Lefties Want THEIR way no matter whom they oppress
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.


I have no interest in controlling others - promote & lead others, yes; but control, no - accordingly, I abhor others' attempts to oppress and control, and this is a manifestation of that abhorrence.

I could not disregard the flagrant, irrational Hypocrisy of the demonstrating masses holding signs: 'MY BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT OFF MY BODY', 'STOP PROSECUTING ABORTION', 'STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK', 'KEEP YOUR LAWS OUT OF MY BODY', etc. & c. ad nauseum.

Yet - YET! Hypocrisy resides in the darkness of dimmed Principles. When OTHER p(l)andemic events are considered, I understood their protests are nothing but the narcissistic tantrums of sophists who simply want their way, since these same demonstrators prostrate before their political masters and viciously deny others' COVID Vaccination Choice with their very signs re-written as: 'YOUR BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT PROTECTS MY BODY', 'START PROSECUTING THE UNVACCINATED', 'STAND UP AND COMPLY', 'MANDATES GOOD FOR YOUR BODY & MINE', etc.

Share this image with whomever, wherever. Authoritarian frauds must be exposed and humiliated.

A larger version (329kb @ 1099x1650px)...More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Vladimir Putin menacing Facebook II

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 07 2021 12:43 zulu

...na ja anders ausgedrückt: der Feind meines Feindes mein Verbündeter ist.

Vladimir Putins contempt of that pocked leftist homunculus, Zuckerberg


Essentially, this is the former CCCP menacing the contemporary façade of the CCP, and More...


categories: leftist tech | government | opinion

Hilarious Spam Extortion Attempts - Some Suggestions

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 06 2021 12:41 zulu

For a few years, I have received email variations on this common spammed-attempt at extortion; and as I cheerfully delete each one, I muse to myself '...sure, yeah, you go ahead and do that - knock yourself out..."


Yet, considering the persistence of these mass-spammed messages over the years, I must assume there is some measure of success.

If I were asked for advice: ignore these messages, and understand that maintaining hyper-vigilant paranoia while using any network-connected device - whether wi-fi or More...


categories: code | personal | professional

My Pumpkin Spice MEME

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 06 2021 10:58 zulu

After seeing all the 'Pumpkin Spice' MEMES, I realized one had been overlooked... so, I designed this piece of humor.

satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed. hint: did you notice the pumpkins or the play-on-word 'wood' background?


categories: idleness | personal

The Unnoticed disappearance Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 05 2021 13:06 zulu

Since I have neither interest in nor an account with Facebook, I learned of Facebook's BGP disappearance from world routing tables only a few moments ago - no Facebook, no Instagram, no WhatsApp; and for me, the entire event went unnoticed. I learned of this later through the intrepid hero, Edward Snowden.

2021-10-04 post by a true hero, Edward Snowden


Same day and another coincidence; completely unrelated, of course...

Deserves songs of praise, lyrics of three beautiful letters: F-J-B, F-J-B, F-J-B.


categories: leftist tech | opinion | personal

Why not... worked for another election

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 05 2021 01:13 zulu

Risking design repetition, yet enjoying satire through creating fictitious newspaper articles.

Why not... worked for a presidential election
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed. hint: principal's full name is a play on words using the german language (grin).


(...image above is 760px wide, resized to 640px...)



categories: government | opinion | personal

Censorship Times October 26 2122

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 04 2021 02:27 zulu

From the future...

The Censorship Times, October 2122 Edition
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.


(...image above has been resized; to see full-size, right-click on the image and choose 'save image as' or 'open in new tab')



categories: government | opinion | personal

Hunter Looks on as Dad Gets Booster

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 02 2021 12:00 zulu

Not even my 'passable' work; still funny though.


satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.
Son Hunter Looks on as Dad Gets supposed COVID Booster
What is the deal with Biden's exposed deltoid - is he part Yeti?



categories: government | idleness | opinion