'I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.'
The Leadership of Frederick Douglass
Historical accuracy is 'white supremacy' and 'toxic masculinity'? No. Another Leftist campaign against the trauma of facts. This film is neither 'white supremacy' nor 'toxic masculinity'; rather, historical accuracy is untenable truth for the Left. In their war against cultural and historical accuracy, the Left stands on the threshold of their extinction.
We no longer fear their accusations.
We ignore their tantrums.
We mock their cultural and historical delusions...
They are the frail, the timorous, and the delicate of emotions.
They are afraid... of us... what they fear, what outrages them, we must embrace. WE. MUST. EMBRACE.
![Historical accuracy is untenable truth for the Left Historical accuracy is untenable truth for the Left](/dynamic/image.axd?picture=2022%2f4%2f2022-04-24-lefties-rage-about-northmen.jpg)
You ever noticed the Leftists have not praised, will never praise, the gifted insight and eloquence of Frederick Douglass? The Leftists would violently protest an historically accurate film about his struggle and incredible principles... wonder why... what political party was he...