Это пропаганда
Germany seems to have unlearned their history in an effort to repeat their history; this time 'round: geimpfte Übermenschen. What is next, Germany, the 'Vaccinated Youth'?
This is how I read (that is, my translation) the following German WWII revival propaganda:
The unvaccinated
unwelcome here!
Track them down! Capture Them!
Confine & Vaccinate Them! (implied tone is 'by force')
'We vaccinate us ALL' (implied tone is 'by force')

Okay. No Problems. In the U.S., and just in convenient time for the mid-term elections, the Progressive Left will soon announce 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' and rescind their face mask terrorism. This must happen soon, since the Progressive Left needs sufficient time for the populace to forget - political amnesia - the medical tyranny and propaganda these two-years passed.
Just wait... soon...