Well; you ovine, hypochondriac karens, explain yet another in a series of inexplicable exemptions to the COVID p(l)andemic...
I have previously listed direct quotes and admissions from Komrades' Authoritarian Administration: entries 1, 2, 3, 4.
A true pandemic, fatal and pestilential, would necessitate consistency, strategic planning and collective action wherein success could yield NO EXEMPTIONS.
Yet, a noxious campaign concealed within the pretense of a 'pandemic' would contain all the familiar indicators of deception:
→ moving the goalposts,
→ contradictory versions of 'the truth',
→ to hide weaknesses, hostility to dissent,
→ inconsistent rules; rules for some, not for others.
This p(l)andemic fulfils these criteria.
Again, another in a series of inconsistencies, vague criteria, and lies:

Released into the United States; yet the administration lied five-days earlier when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended the EXEMPTION as the refugees are '...not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time…' (leftists, a virus does not defer to 'length of stay' or immigration status)

(in image above) Komrades' Authoritarian Administration creates glorious new phrase: 'RE-TALK YOU'
So, permit me to 're-talk you', if there are 'EXEMPTIONS', there is NO PANDEMIC. I am confident the Ministry of Truth and Reconciliation will soon unleash the 'fact-checkers' to combat wrong-think and disseminate the latest rumor-control propaganda... I mean, GLORIOUS NEW TRUTH.
The CRITICAL question then becomes: what are the true, concealed motives and deliverables of this p(l)andemic campaign?