l. nicholas inserted the critical, graphical additions to the showtime promotional image.
I feel neither guilt nor concern for the transgressions of them who lived before me. None at all.
Do not care.
So, ram your collective heads up each others' collective asses to form a triggered ouroboros.
They, whose identities depend on 'race' or gender - congenital acts of random nature - have nothing to offer, never had anything to offer.
Showtime engages in the same uninspired, no-witted campaign of 'progressive' (regressive) leftists and cultural marxists: provoke emotive division and inculcate fictitious victimhood to initiate violent, social warfare - so that none notice while they commit larceny of others' creativity, accomplishments and histories.
Since the leftist and cultural marxist - by their natures and philosophies - have none.
Such is marxism's only triumph through history. Parasitism.
If anyone denigrates me as 'racist'; fine, the word has been divested of all effect.