Keep in mind that I sincerely have not one "damn" - I am "damn" bankrupt - to give about anyone's need to control and intimidate; to any company's, any authority's, demand for conformance. I have just never lived my life in fear, or for others' approvals.
Life is a transient, transactional, one-use-only opportunity, and its conclusion should never be a moment of realization that the opportunity was wasted in deference to others' control.
I have far better, more constructive - certainly more interesting - uses for my life; so any extended defense for - or my case, against - this idiocy of Critical Race Theory, easily the most risible failure of human thought, is time more wasted than explaining the narrative polyphony in Fyodor Dostoevsky's works to an infant.
For anyone to filter every perception through measures of cultural superiority and inferiority, to establish 'original sin' according to ancestry, to generalize an entire group according to stereotype… is the very criteria and definitions of 'racism'. The proponents of CRT are emotional and cultural abusers, who conceal their own profound and malignant 'racism' through psychological transference and narcissistic 'gaslighting'.
The proponents of Critical Race Theory are half-wit criminals - charlatans - using psychological manipulaton to abuse, » to steal «, others' achievements, earnings, assets, and histories.
The proponents of Critical Race Theory are half-wits who looked into themselves for potential, talent, and intelligence; and found none, NOTHING! So, they assigned their appearances - something unearned, just genetic randomness at conception - as their only potential and 'talent'.
Torment the Critical Race Grifters and their insensate minions, Social Justice Crybabies. Respond with apathy. Offer neither defenses nor arguments against their accusations. Do not debate them - children do not understand the complexities of debate. Just let them stand in mouth-agape disbelief that you could not possibly care less.
Respond with that bored expression parents present to children throwing tantrums over unfairness and yammering "I hate you!" - showing them that relaxed half-smile while nodding in false attention and offering monotone feedback as, "Whatever you say...", "Must be so difficult for you...", "Wow... how terrible...", and the ever popular, "Are you done yet...".
I respond to any accusation of 'racism' or 'ABCXYZ-phobia' with "Yeah, okay..."
and that is all - LNDL
If they surge toward you with hostile intent; a quite different strategy is needed: put them down - out of their misery by any means necessary... after all, that is their intent for you, and the right of self-defense is given by NATURE - not the state - to every creature born.
Just try to rush while snarling toward a bear, snake, chimpanzee, or pit-bull... none will confirm permission for self-defense... and neither should you.